Overseas Licence Conversion

Overseas Drivers Quick Pass

Easy Way to Quickly Pass Your Driving Test

If you know how to drive a car and you know the road rules you can quickly pass your driving test in a week or 2 weeks depending on Drive test appointment availability for an Overseas Licence Conversion. As Vic Roads have changed their rules in 2022 that all overseas licence are only valid for 6 months from the date of arrival. This Vic Roads tool will help you find to what date is your overseas licence valid. During driving lessons our instructors give a full explanation of the VicRoads overseas licence conversion test format while teaching you on Official VicRoads Testing Routes so you can pass the driving test easily.

 Firstly Book Your Learner Permit Online And Then Verify Your Overseas Licence and Then Book Your Hazard Perception Test Online And Lastly Book Your Vic Roads Drive Test To Pass Your Drive Test in 2022. Contact Us Today on 0430240213 or Email on contact@navdrivingschool.com.au To Book Now Or Later.

If you are converting overseas licence, 4 steps process is involved. Firstly, you have to enroll and pass Learner Permit Test Online, secondly you need to verify your identity and licence. Third step is Hazard Perception Test Online and lastly book and pass Vic Roads Drive test to get a Victorian driving licence. Contact us today to book your drive test appointment.

If you have Learner permit and you are under 21, you should have completed 120 hours of supervised driving and logged hours either on log book or My Learners App and passed hazard perception test before you go for drive test.  Minimum holding period for Learner permit is 12 months if you are under 21, between 21-25 its 6 months and 25 and over its 3months. 

Convert Your Overseas Licence - 4 Steps

Step 1a - Book your Learner Permit Test Online

Book your Learner Permit Test Online with Vicroads. The appointment can be booked on the VicRoads website or by calling 131171 or visiting your local Vicroads office.

Note: Please don’t get a actual Learner permit card if you are converting overseas licence. Please double check with Vic Roads before proceeding.

Overseas Licence Verification

If Your Overseas Licence is from Non- Regonised Country, You Need To Book An Appointment To Verify Your Overseas Licence Before You Book Your Hazard Perception Test Online

Step 2 - Hazard Perception Test (HPT)

Book the Hazard Perception Test (HPT). This is a computer test done in selected Vicroads offices. The HPT can be booked on the VicRoads website or by calling 131171 or visiting your local Vicroads office. Vic roads will meanwhile verify your licence. If Vic Roads is not able to verify the licence, they might ask you to verify from your consulate or overseas licence issuing authority and provide them with verification letter. 

Step 3 - The Drive Test - Overseas Licence Conversion

Book the Drive Test. Before finalising the booking with VicRoads, our existing clients are advised to contact their driving instructor and verify instructor availability for the test booking. Alternatively, new and existing clients may contact Nav Driving School by email or phone 0430240213 to verify instructor availability for all bookings.

Overseas Licence Test Package's

Drive Test Package
45 Minute Lesson & Drive Test

For quick brush up of Vic Roads Testing Criteria

Drive Test Package
1Hr Lesson & Drive Test

Over 90 % students choose this package


Drive Test Package
90 Minute Lesson & Drive Test

For thorough brush up of Vic Roads Testing Criteria

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